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Remote Sensing

Monitoring Amazon Deforestation 

Remotely from the U.S.

Did You Know?

The Amazon contains one in ten known species on Earth and half of the remaining tropical forests, which is about 1.4 billion acres.


Rain forests contain between 90-140 billion metric tons of carbon which help stabilize the climate.  Deforestation releases this carbon into the atmosphere.


The cattle sector has been responsible for about 80% of deforestation. 





Facts located on the Home page were referenced from the World Wildlife Foundation,  2018.


This website was created in December 2018, by Samantha Oglesby, as a final project for GPH909, Remote Sensing, at Salem State University, Salem MA. 


"Save the Rainforest" was a huge topic of discussion, as a child growing up in the 90's.  As the new millennium approached, the hype behind the "Save the Rainforest" mission slowly dissipated.  With the knowledge and skills I attained, from Professor Young's GPH909 Remote Sensing course, I decided to analyze the state of deforestation in the Amazon utilizing remote sensing.

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